Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Spiritual Facebook Status

We live in the era of social media. You can start a business, community or a movement through social media. Networks like Facebook and Twitter are great ways to connect with other humans around the globe. Social media is also used to communicate world views, feelings and ideas in general. The sinful nature of humans has gone viral with this type of portal. Just take a look at your timeline on Facebook and you will realize that mankind needs Jesus. We all need Jesus. I feel that one particular area should be examined because of social media and that is the heart behind posting spiritual Facebook statuses. (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram).

No one can tell what’s in a person’s heart but you can see the fruit people are bearing and you can analyze yourself. One day I was thinking about Facebook and promotion and it came to my mind how some people on Facebook are always posting these super spiritual statuses. Is a super spiritual status wrong? Of course not, a matter of fact spiritual statuses can be very beneficial for those that need it. Can your heart behind posting a spiritual status be wrong? Of course it can. When you post a Facebook Status about God do you do it to get more traffic to your page? Do you live to see the Facebook likes stack like pancakes at IHOP? Do you post about God because you feel that people will show you love? If so then you just crossed the line.

 Having a booming Facebook or twitter page with a bunch of likes is cool and can be an honorable goal but when you do it just so you can get some kind of internet high you have missed the point. Your motive behind everything you do should be to exalt Christ. It’s extremely cliché but it’s true. Posting an annoying array of spiritual Facebook statuses for your own glory is not fulfilling the purpose you were created to accomplish. Be secure in your identity in Christ. You don’t need to post a million inspirational quotes to prove that you are regenerated. People can tell if you are an authentic Christian in other ways. People care more about actions anyways.